Quality Time During Quarantine!
BUT before we get started:
Can we just talk about how ADORABLE my sweet girl is?!?!
Ok… and we’re back!
Lol- you’ll have to forgive me. We went SO LONG with Shiloh not smiling in pictures, that we are really enjoying this new lease on life that she’s having! She’s in LOVE with posing for the camera now, and enjoys saying that she’s a model! 💁🏽♀️
Speaking of- have you checked out my video of Tips for GREAT Toddler Photos??
Anywho- this #Quarantine2020 #Coronavirus #COVID19 life has been something else! We all must remain vigilant in keeping ourselves safe and healthy. As for me and my house (🙏🏽), we have been doing our part in staying home, practicing good hygiene, & distancing ourselves when we MUST go out.
…And if your house is anything like mine, things can become trying on the weekends! I’m off from teleworking (AND EXHAUSTED, Y’ALL), Rick is STILL having to work, and little miss Shiloh is READY to be entertained!
Luckily, the Regal Mami thinks quickly on her feet! I asked babygirl if she wanted to get dressed & go out for a surprise. Earlier that morning, I had received an email for Moe’s restaurant, about a “kids eat free” promo. NATURALLY, I jumped at this opportunity. I love a GOODT Moe’s burrito, & knew that Moe’s has been participating in safe practices during this pandemic. Plus- as a citizen of world, I feel that it is not only my responsibility to “flatten the curve”, but to also support local businesses, because #humanity 🌍.
So, I logged onto the Moe’s app (yes, I have many restaurant apps, don’t judge!), ordered my food & Shiloh’s free food, & we got ready to roll out.
Here’s my sunshine & me, before we went to get our yummy food.
Do you think that we look alike?! 🥰
As Shiloh climbed into the SUV, I gathered a few things. I grabbed a bottle of water, a few napkins, and filled up her new “favorite” drinking apparatus with water. I cleared out the trunk, & we headed on our way!
After we picked up our food via Moe’s social distancing process, I drove to the local strip mall area and set up shop.
We made a “truck-nic”!
We hopped out of the SUV, I opened the trunk door, & we climbed in. I spread out our food, and we ENJOYED OURSELVES! Shiloh’s currently really into Kid’s Bop jams, so I played pop tunes sang by pre-pubescent children as we chomped down on our burrito and quesadilla.
Look at little Miss Shiloh
She really enjoyed herself! We sang and danced to the music.
As cars drove by, some slowed down to look. Once the realized we were having a “truck-nic”, they responded with encouraging smiles.
These are the moments that we live for. Quality time with the ones that mean the most to us.
And while I absolutely hate the cause of this quarantine, I cannot be upset about some of the byproducts- one of those being priceless moments like these with my sweet baby.
What fun new ideas have you come up with to engage in quality time with your loved ones? I’d love to know!
P.S.- If you’d like to have a “truck-nic” with your little one(s), here’s a link to a fun Kid’s Bop playlist to help you get the party started! 🙌🏽
Have fun. Good luck. And remain vigilant.
xoxo- Shiri, the Regal Mami